4 Fundraising Metrics That Your Nonprofit Shouldn’t Ignore

Monday, August 19, 2024

As your nonprofit grows and changes, it’s inevitable that your operations must change with you. You may outgrow systems that previously worked or expand beyond the scope of your original . When the time comes to make that change, how will you decide what’s the next best step for your nonprofit?

When it comes to improving your operations, data-backed decision-making is one of the best ways to go. With key information at your fingertips, you’ll make adjustments that ensure [...]

4 Essential Elements of a Strong Nonprofit Strategic Plan

Friday, April 26, 2024

How can your nonprofit plan for the future in a sustainable, measured way that sets your entire team up for success? By creating a nonprofit strategic plan!

A strategic plan is a document that identifies the goals your organization needs to achieve in the next one to five years to get closer to accomplishing its mission. It also outlines how you’ll work toward those goals.

A strong nonprofit plan can help you ensure your current and future projects are aligned with your larger v [...]

Engage, Empower, Excel: How To Use Donor Data For Action

Thursday, October 12, 2023

In the digital age of nonprofit fundraising, data is an invaluable asset that holds the key to a world of possibilities. Not only is effective data management vital for allocating money and filing taxes, but it’s also crucial for driving greater fundraising results and stewarding meaningful donor relationships.

If your data is just sitting in your CRM, you’re probably missing out on valuable engagement opportunities. When your nonprofit starts focusing on donor engagement, you [...]

Stewarding First-Time Donors to Annual Giving: 5 Tips

Friday, April 28, 2023

Retaining your nonprofit’s donors depends on the effectiveness of your stewardship. Especially for first-time donors, you need engagement strategies like tailored communications, appealing involvement opportunities, and genuine appreciation to keep them invested in your mission. After all, you’ve put in the work to successfully acquire a new donor and you don’t want to lose them now.

Proactive stewardship will ensure you not only keep new donors interested in your no [...]

5 Steps of Engagement: Successful Engagement is a Multi-Step Process

Monday, December 30, 2019

Being in nonprofits for 10+ years, I quickly learned that the engagement of your supporters goes a long way.  Another thing that I learned is that engagement doesn’t have to be hard.  You just have to learn the basics and decide to do them right. As the title of this blog suggests, successful engagement is a multistep process that centers around the following five steps.

1. Get to Know Your Donors

A crucial step in any good relationship is laying the right foundation. Wh [...]

Engagement: What is it and why is it so important?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Any successful nonprofit will tell you that their success can be attributed to their most loyal supporters.  Who am I talking about?  I’m talking about donors, members, volunteers, and advocates.  Those that have been successful also will tell you that without building a solid foundation with your supporters, it will be hard work to keep them around.  A key to helping you build and create those long-lasting relationships is making sure that your organization has an eng [...]

Fundraising Essentials for Small Shops

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

If you are a 1-, 2-, or 3-person shop, wearing multiple hats in your nonprofit office in addition to needing to fundraise: this post is for you. Nonprofit leaders are often brought in because of their passion for the cause and ability to run an amazing program for the community they serve--but did we also mention you need to fundraise to keep your doors open? Where do you start? What are the essentials when you would rather be spending your time saving the world? (Psst…it’s not pla [...]

Wait, Wait--Come Back! – Reengaging Lapsed Donors

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Do you know off the top of your head, at this minute, what your donor retention rate is? You should! Don’t let donors slip through the cracks or fall off the radar when there are plenty of tools out there to assist in keeping them engaged and continuing their giving habits.

This begins with making donor retention a priority in your organization. The amount of time and money you spend acquiring a new donor compared to what you will spend with an existing donor is significant. Take a l [...]