4 Essential Elements of a Strong Nonprofit Strategic Plan

Friday, April 26, 2024

How can your nonprofit plan for the future in a sustainable, measured way that sets your entire team up for success? By creating a nonprofit strategic plan!

A strategic plan is a document that identifies the goals your organization needs to achieve in the next one to five years to get closer to accomplishing its mission. It also outlines how you’ll work toward those goals.

A strong nonprofit plan can help you ensure your current and future projects are aligned with your larger v [...]

Importance of Data in Succession Planning

Thursday, March 7, 2019

So you went through the interview process and got the job of your dreams! You’re going to be working at a nonprofit where you have a deep connection with the mission and will be surrounded by other like-minded colleagues. You walk in on your first day and think to yourself, where do I start? You ask your colleague for a login to your database may receive one of the following answers:

What database? Do you mean QuickBooks, Constant Contact, EventBrite and SignUpGenius? Haha! Her [...]

3 Reasons Why You (Yes, You!) Need a Strategic Plan

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

“What do you know about strategic planning?”

“Do you think we need a strategic plan?”

“Strategic plans seem like a lot of work to put together.”

Sound familiar? Most of my conversations with board members were a variation on this theme when I worked as a fundraiser: strategic plans sound like a great idea but an awful lot of work.

It’s true that creating a strategic plan involves a combination of meetings, research and writing. But i [...]

Getting Your Board on Board with Donor Management Software

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Everyone in the nonprofit world understands the importance of keeping overhead costs low. In an effort to save money, well-intentioned board members may be opposed to the idea of investing in donor management software. What your board may not know is that refusing to make that investment may actually be costing you money.

To take the leap and commit to a nonprofit CRM solution, you must persuade a majority on the board to add a line item to the organizational budget. Despite the cost-effec [...]